AD-04: Haswell challenges pay raises

Rob Haswell, whom I have mentioned several times on this site, has put a challenge out to termed-out Assemblyman Tim Leslie to reject the upcoming pay-raise authorized by the California Citizens Compensation Commission.

Democratic Assembly candidate Rob Haswell today called on Assemblyman Tim Leslie (R Tahoe City) to turn down the legislative pay increase ordered by the California Citizens Compensation Commission last Friday. Lawmakers will receive a $2,217 pay increase after receiving a $11,880 pay hike last year, which Leslie accepted – while voting against an increase in the state’s minimum wage. California’s state assembly members currently make $110,880 a year, making them among the highest paid legislators in the country.
“This continues a pattern of ‘politics of self interest’ that has dominated this region. Leslie is fine taking a 12 percent raise for himself when he’s already making a hundred thousand dollars, but he turns a blind eye to the fact that the majority of our state’s minimum wage earners are primary bread winners for their families,” Haswell said, noting that the combined two assembly pay raises over the last two years surpasses a year’s salary at the current minimum wage level. Haswell’s Republican opponent for the 4th Assembly District seat this November, Ted Gaines, has also expressed opposition to raising the minimum wage. (Rob Haswell for Assembly 6/30/06)

The Legislature, of course, passed the buck on their pay raises.  Like the U.S. Congress, who has made the raises automatic unless they vote against it, they don’t want to be seen as responsible for actually raising their own salaries.  So, they came up with this Commission to do it for them.  I, for one, don’t see a huge problem with legislators voting for pay increases.  What I do have a problem with is legislators who vote for raises for themselves based on “cost of living”, but then don’t support minimum wage increases?  So, Assemblyman, your cost of living went up by $2200, but minimum wage workers don’t deserve an extra buck an hour?  That is very troubling.

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Numbered Propositions for November Ballot

( – promoted by SFBrianCL)

On the flip is the full list of numbered Propositions for the November 2006 ballot.  The SacBee has a review of them as well.

Untitled Document

Prop # Name Summary
Transportation Investment Fund
Creates a Transportation Investment Fund(TIF) separate from the general fund. Money must go to transportation uses.
Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, Port Security Bond Act of 2006
Transportation Bonds
Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006.
Housing Bonds
Education facilities:  Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2006.
Education Bonds
Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Act of 2006.
Levee Bonds
83 Sex Offenders. Sexually Violent Predators. Punishment, Residence Restrictions and Monitoring. Initiative Statute  Jessica’s Law. Slightly different than Jackie Speier’s Law that has already passed
84 Water Quality, Safety and Supply. Flood Control. Natural Resource Protection. Park Improvements. Bonds. Initiative Statute.   
85 Waiting Period and Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor’s Pregnancy. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.  Virtually identical to Prop 73 from last year’s special election.
86 Tax on Cigarettes. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.  $2+ tax on cigarettes to pay for health related projects
87 Alternative Energy. Research, Production, Incentives. Tax on California Oil. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.  Taxes oil extracted in California to pay for energy reduction and alternative energy research
88 Education Funding. Real Property Parcel Tax. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.  Provides funding for education by imposing a $50 fee on each real property parcel.
89 Political Campaigns. Public Financing. Corporate Tax Increase. Contribution and Expenditure Limits.   CNA’s Clean Money Initiative
90 Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property.  "Protect our Homes" Reactionary Initiative designed to make california ungovernable.

Victory: Governor’s Campaign Fined

(The ABC has come up with a nice win against Schwazenegger’s poorly named “California Recovery Team.” Congrats! – promoted by SFBrianCL)

(cross-posted on

The Fair Political Practices Commission has issued a ruling today against Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Recovery Team.  The FPPC is finally holding CRT and the Governor accountable for violating campaign finance laws last year and has ordered that they pay a stiff penalty of $200,200.

The Alliance sued the CRT last fall for failing to disclose $25,600,000 of expenditures, as required by law.  In March, the California Court of Appeals ruled in our favor, stating that either the FPPC could penalize the governor’s CRT or the Alliance could file our own lawsuit to recover damages.  It may have taken seven months, but our legal process has worked the way it is supposed to.  This sends a message that the Governor has to play by the same rules as everyone else.  It is a victory for all Californians and our justice system.

This $200,200 fine is one of the highest in FPPC history.  The funds are payable to the General Fund of the State of California.  It may be buried on the Friday afternoon of the July 4th weekend, but we couldn’t be more pleased with the resolution.